trust & integrity
Not all financial professionals are fiduciaries, but we are. When it comes to managing wealth, we think you deserve the best when it comes to trust and integrity. There is a lot of confusion about what responsibilities are required by a fiduciary. This is how the Securities and Exchange Commission describes a fiduciary's responsibilities * :

SEC's Guidance For A Fiduciary
Has a fundamental obligation to act in the best interest of their clients and to provide investment advice in their client's best interests.
Owes a duty of undivided loyalty and utmost good faith.
Does not engage in any activity in conflict with the interest of any client and takes steps reasonably necessary to fulfill their obligations.
Employs reasonable care to avoid misleading clients and provides full and fair disclosure of all material facts to clients and prospective clients.
Eliminates, or at least discloses, all conflicts of interest that might incline you – consciously or unconsciously - to render advice that is not disinterested.
Does not use client assets for their own benefit or those of other clients, at least without consent.
In addition to the SEC's fiduciary requirements, the CFP Board required starting in October of 2019 that to maintain their certification that there are additional obligations owed to you. These are their described fiduciary's responsibilities ** :

CFP Board Definition Of A Fiduciary
Act with honesty, integrity, competence, and diligence.
Act in the client's best interests.
Exercise due care.
Avoid or disclose and manage conflicts of interest.
Maintain the confidentiality and protect the privacy of client information.
Act in a manner that reflects positively on the financial planning profession and the CFP® certification.
Charles Schwab
We partner with Charles Schwab to provide custodial services for your assets and do not accept custody of Client funds.
When you decide to work with us, Schwab will open and maintain accounts that will hold your investments. You, the client, will provide us written authorization to place trades in the account based on the investment strategy we agree to in advance. Please review our ADV Part 2 for additional disclosures.