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Insurance and Annuity Analysis
What We Can Do For You
Analyze appropriate insurance coverage for your circumstances
Recommendations regarding investment direction of insurance and annuity products and sub-accounts, where applicable
Assess value in keeping or surrendering annuity policies
Fee analysis of annuity products
One of the most common uses of life insurance is to replace income in the situation a family’s primary breadwinner passes away prematurely. In such a case, many people keep these policies through retirement, despite no longer needing the policies. We help analyze your current policies and coverage to help determine what is appropriate for your personal and financial circumstances.
Life Insurance Analysis
Life insurance is an invaluable financial planning tool, and has many unique uses such as income replacement, estate planning, among others. However, many people continue to carry insurance policies much longer than is needed as a tax-deferred investment vehicle. In other cases, many people in contrast lack the insurance coverage that they likely should have.
We can sit down and go over these policies with you to determine the appropriate amount of coverage, and the best choices for your unique circumstances.
Annuity Policy Analysis
Annuities are similar to Social Security, in that you make payments during the accumulation period in the expectation of a steady stream of payments down the road when policy is commenced. The drawback of annuity products is typically the fees and limited investment choices.
While annuities can offer the same tax-deferred savings potential as life insurance, they are not appropriate for everyone. Moreover, you may find yourself wondering whether or not it is appropriate to continue keeping a policy in force when there are numerous questions regarding surrender fees, taxes, among other daunting questions that are difficult to answer.
We have the tools to sort through these policies and determine what the best course of action is regarding your policies.
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